Sample Frequently Asked Questions


  1. When I visit the free sample calendar it still says “Check back soon for today's free sample”- Why is that?

    If you are seeing the "Check back soon" message it is because we either have not yet posted today’s sample find or your Internet browser has saved that image on your computer. Browsers often do this to increase their speed and efficiency for websites you visit often. We post a daily free sample find every morning between 9 and 10 AM. If you still see the “Check back” message at that time, try refreshing your Internet browser or close your browser completely then reopen it again.

  2. When I went to request the sample it said they were out or that I didn’t qualify to get the sample.

    We sometimes offer exclusive free samples through, but often we are scouting out other free samples being offered by other companies. Since most of these samples have no affiliation with All You, we make sure to the best of our ability the requesting process is simple and strait-forward before we post the sample. We want you to trust the sites we find and know they are legitimate, however, since these are not All You sites, we cannot control the quantity of samples, length of the offer or changes to the qualifications for receiving the sample after we post our daily find.

  3. The free sample site won't work for me.

    Sometimes theses sites are built with a program called Flash or may have pop-up windows (or both). Make sure you have the Macromedia Flash plug in (it’s a free update that most newer browsers come with, but not all) and you do not block pop-up windows.

  4. I don't have a Facebook account and cannot accept Facebook offers. Why do I have to “Like” a company on Facebook to get the sample?

    We strive to find the best free sample offers from around the Web every day and sometimes those samples are found on Facebook. We in no way want to alienate our readers who choose not to use Facebook, but many companies and brands use Facebook as a means of communicating with their audience and to distribute their free samples.

    We strive to find the best free sample offers from around the Web every day and sometimes those samples are found on Facebook. We in no way want to alienate our readers who choose not to use Facebook, but many companies and brands use Facebook as a means of communicating with their audience and to distribute their free samples.

  5. I don't want give my phone number to request a sample.

    Most sample sites we promote don't require a phone number but occasionally they do. You should only give the personal information you feel comfortable providing.

  6. I don't want to have my email inbox overrun with newsletters, offers and possibly spam.

    We suggest opening a free email account (through Yahoo or Gmail) to use just for entering online sweeps and requesting free samples.

    We suggest opening a free email account (through Yahoo or Gmail) to use just for entering online sweeps and requesting free samples.

    We suggest opening a free email account (through Yahoo or Gmail) to use just for entering online sweeps and requesting free samples.

  7. I can’t see the free sample calendar.

    If you cannot see the free sample calendar at all, it may be because you do not have JavaScript enabled in your browser’s preferences. You can change this in your browser set up.

播客营销缺点北京 网站设计山东省信息安全等级邮件营销广告网络安全渗透测试网站建设与制作价格新乡网站优化如何测试网络安全国家安全之网络安全景区网络营销的方式本书讲述了一名地球少年被一名贵族收留过上了好生活可是因为这位贵族得罪了其他人人家借君主的手发动攻击除了他外全部被害一国君主收留了他给了他爵位他最后寻找到了格拉尼亚族集合他们的力量建立自己的势力天罡大陆,人人皆可觉醒命魂,命魂形态决定着个人修行的方向。 这一天,一个不属于这个世界的灵魂来到了这里,这个世界的画风开始走偏了。 “恭喜宿主觉醒最强辅修系统!” “什么鬼?辅修?我可是一直只当主C的男人!” 夜无尘无力的咆哮着。 系统沉默了片刻:“你可以选择不接受!当然,作为惩罚,你将做不了男人!” “哎……既然你态度这么坚决,我只能答应了!先说明,我可不是怕了,谁让我本就是一个点燃自己照亮别人的好人。” “哼哼……这个世界的最强辅修我当定了!” …… 某混乱之地。 “小子,你们胆子太大了,居然敢打我们辅修主意,老实点,把身上的东西交出来……” 某妖兽战场。 一位辅修脱下长袍,露出了一身腱子肉,拿起锤子狞笑走向妖兽。 此刻,人们似乎隐约中听到了妖兽在受惊之后口吐人言。 “站住,你不要过来呀……” ……前世18线小歌手穿越平行世界,参加好声音。 一首《天后》让天后前女友泪流满面。 一首《追梦赤子心》让所有观众泪目。 一首《七里香》让他跻身天王 当林亦在歌手决赛上准备演唱《海阔天空》。 林亦:“我不是针对谁,这首歌谁来谁都是死路一条。”于曾子安而言,命运是一座大山,要么翻过它,要么便只能匍匐于它脚下苟延残喘……半生蹉跎无人问,十年重生天下惊。 这是小人物的逆袭,也是辉煌的起始,从虫子到巨龙,我们皆是神的玩物,我们亦是可屠神之人。 这是英雄的一生如果我手上没有剑,我就无法保护你,如果我手上一直握着剑,我就无法抱紧你第一次,非喜勿喷(带修为归来,无敌+单女主+奶爸+萌娃+战斗+微搞笑+甜蜜。) 他,曾是一代雇佣兵王,后退役成为顶级杀手组织“暗暮”王牌杀手! 却不想,竟遭人算计,背叛;一番血战中,寡不敌众的他被子弹贯穿了胸膛,坠落悬崖…… 却不想,意外开启了进入天界的入口,并在机遇下获得了一部功法…… 之后,他游走于六界之内,纵横于多元宇宙之间;凌驾于天地之上,视众生灵如草芥。 纵然屠尽六界神魔,天道也奈何他不得…… 五百年后,他再度归来,却不想,此刻的他,竟有了……两个可爱的女儿?! 错了,重来…… 那纵横于多元宇宙,凌驾于天地之上的恐怖存在,摇身变成了一名……柔情奶爸! “敢欺负我女儿,定让你消失于六界之内!” “你……你到底是谁?!” “我吗?有人叫我武龙帝尊,有人叫我武龙天尊,还有人叫我混沌天帝。” “但我现在,只是一名安静的女儿奴。”仅以此小说,献给那些被双重人格支配的怜人是一个充满在神秘色彩中的反正义跨国杀手组织,故事由一起轰动全国的庞大组织杀人案的曝光引发,反正义和正义与之抗衡。
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